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Below you will find useful information in connection with the use of online booking. You can, among other things, read how we treat your data, how you receive your receipt in regards to purchases and more. When the text below states “ØSTERSØPARKEN” it is used synonymously with Østersøparken Camping.


All prices listed in ØSTERSØPARKENs online booking system, is like many other places on the website listed as Danish crowns including VAT and all other taxes, unless otherwise clearly stated in the relevant scenario.

Payment is done by using one of the approved debit/credit cards in the online booking, such as Dankort, Visa, Mastercard and Diners. There is no additional fee on trade done through the online booking.

Information regarding trade online

You can securely trade online through our online booking system. You are as a consumer secured in case of any abuse of your credit card online, therefore there is no excess in case of abuse of your payment card through the use of the internet. You can read more about what you as a consumer should relate to in regards to payments online on the following website:

Shipment and delivery

Through booking and purchase of a cottage, rented tent, a pitch for own tent or camper, be shown a contract from ØSTERSØPARKEN, where in the financial statement of your purchase will be listed. The contract will be sent via e-mail immediately after payment, if the correct e-mail address has been entered by the paying party. Delivery of the booked product happens upon arrival at ØSTERSØPARKEN on the arrival day (and will be finished upon the day of departure). Both days of arrival and departure will be listed in the contract.


Cancellation and refund

You have the option of cancelling your booking on the following terms:

  • If you cancel more than 30 days before arrival you will get a full refund, with exception of an administration fee of DKK 525,-

  • If you cancel less than 30 days and more than 7 days before arrival, you will get half of the payment refunded. There is however a minimum cancellation fee of DKK 525,-

  • If you cancel less than 7 days before arrival, there will be no refund.

Cancellation fee

in case of late payment/failure to pay on time, a reminder fee of DKK 100 will be imposed, after 2 reminder fees the case will be sent on to debt collection.


Force majeure

Neither party is liable for any breach arising from circumstances which the parties should not have anticipated at the conclusion of the agreement, including strike, lockout, epidemic / pandemic or other matters which under Danish law are regarded as force majeure

Registration of information

ØSTERSØPARKEN will register your name, your address, your e-mail and other additional information given in regards to purchases made. The information will not be distributed, but ØSTERSØPARKEN will save the registration for 5 years. ØSTERSØPARKEN employs serverside cookies and a secure connection to create a safety around the information you enter on the website. Through payment by creditcard the registration happens through a secure server, where the information is encrypted before transmitted online.



If you for some reason have not yet received your contract that confirms your purchase, and you have not received an error message from the system, you are able to contact the address or phone number posted below.

Complaints about the booking process, the booking itself or the product (your stay), must happen within a reasonable time period, and after you have discovered the error or should have discovered the error through standard read-through of your contract. You can complain verbally or in writing. One year after receiving your product (your stay) you forfeit your right to complain in regards to The Sale of Goods Act §83 (1), unless otherwise specified.

When ØSTERSØPARKEN receives your complaint about a product, the complaint is processed as quickly as possible. ØSTERSØPARKEN will decide if the product should be refunded, exchanged or if there should be given a price reduction.


Business Information

Østersøparken Camping
Bøtøvej 243
4873  Væggerløse
Telephone.: +45 54136786

security deposit

When booking a seasonal place, a deposit of 1400 DKK is paid. these refunds do not apply in the event that one does not wish to make use of the space.

Information on complaint options


A complaint regarding a product or service purchased from us can be sent to

  • Danish Competition and Consumer Authority Center for Complaint Solutions, Carl Jacobsens Vej 35, 2500 Valby. You can complaint to the center for Complaint Solutions through or

  • 2: The EU-Commission online complaint system can also be used when submitting a complaint. This is especially relevant for consumers with their home address in a separate EU-country. The complaint is submitted here: when submitting the complaint you must enter our given e-mail address.

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